Instructions for reviewers

Instructions for reviewers

The peer review process is the quality assurance of the journal's content. We rely heavily on our International Board of Peer Reviewers to maintain the rigor and academic consistency of our publication.

The peer reviewers have a manuscript evaluation protocol to judge whether a submission is considered suitable for publication in the journal. It sets out clear instructions for conducting a useful and effective review.


Review deadlines

1. Initial notification. Authors will receive an automatic notification from the system when they submit an original for review, which will serve as proof of submission. This notification is sent at the same time as the article submission is completed within the system.
2. Review process. The journal notifies the authors within 20 days of the inclusion of their papers in the blind peer review process, or - on the contrary - their return.
3. Final notification. The journal notifies the authors of the result of the evaluation of their articles within a maximum period of 3 months.

Review process and criteria

- The article is sent by the editors to at least two expert reviewers in the field for external assessment, for which they have a period of 2 weeks. To be accepted it requires the favourable vote of the two reviewers.
- If one of the reviewers considers it unpublishable, the article will be sent to a third reviewer who will have a period of 2 weeks for a new evaluation. If the latter rejects it, the article will not be published. If, on the other hand, it is approved, it will be accepted.
- If both reviewers give a negative report, the article will not be published and will not be sent to a third reviewer.
- In the evaluation process the reviewers rate the following elements:
1. Title and interest of the topic
2. Abstract and Keywords
3. Introduction
4. Theoretical review and problem statement
5. Results
6. Discussion and conclusions
7. References
8. Argumentative capacity and originality
- For the article to be published, it will be necessary for it to obtain at least 20 points, out of a total of 40 foreseeable points.
- The reviewers provide a reasoned overall assessment.
- The reviewer will issue a final decision after an exhaustive examination of the article and will determine whether it is publishable with three variants:
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Yes, with provisos.
- If Yes, with conditions, the reviewer will have to explain what these conditions consist of, so that the author can carry them out.
- In all cases, the author will receive an e-mail notification indicating whether the article is approved for publication or not, or whether changes should be made to the article.

The editorial board will be responsible for the quality of the published content.