Podcast studies: evolution, topics and perspectives in scientific publications in Spain and Portugal (Dialnet and RCAAP)





podcast, scientific publication, systematic literature review, Spain, Portugal


Being primarily a publishing format, the podcast is not exclusive to the media industry. Tool for education, promotion of artistic activity and dissemination of relevant information for health, for example, podcasting is today a type of production that is of interest to various scientific fields. For this reason, it is not a research topic restricted to Communication Sciences or to Media Studies. The scientific production available in open access shows that the study perspectives on podcasts can be very diverse, although some literature reviews show that there is still little scientific production on podcasting. This article identifies the open-access scientific publication about this medium in Spain and Portugal since 2004 (journal articles, book chapters, books and doctoral theses) through a systematic literature review (n=320) in Dialnet and RCAAP repositories. The analysis focuses on the types of work, topics and areas of knowledge most frequent in research on podcasting in both countries, both from an aggregate and comparative perspective. The main objective is focused on identifying the aspects by which podcasts inspire researchers. The results point to a growing interest in Communication Sciences research in recent years, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, but also to a predominance of studies on the usefulness of the podcast from the educational point of view.


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How to Cite

García-Marín, D., Terol-Bolinches, R., & Oliveira, M. (2023). Podcast studies: evolution, topics and perspectives in scientific publications in Spain and Portugal (Dialnet and RCAAP). Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (62), 11–30. https://doi.org/10.12795/Ambitos.2023.i62.01



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