Discursive reformulation and its didactic application in teaching German as a foreign language





transcripts, reformulation, discourse markers, DaF, communicative competence, authentic materials


This article aims to emphasize the significance of incorporating reformulation processes into the discourse of German learners. It asserts that these linguistic elements enhance communicative competence and bolster learners' strategic and cooperative capabilities. The objective is to propose didactic reflections focused on teaching reformulation markers and their practical application in authentic spoken language through corpus analysis. German L2 teachers are encouraged to experiment with the suggested approaches.


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How to Cite

Kaminski, B. (2024). Discursive reformulation and its didactic application in teaching German as a foreign language. https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/mAGAzin/issue/View/938, (31), 26–33. https://doi.org/10.12795/mAGAzin.2023.03



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