Origin of the protocol: human cooperation
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Origen del protocolo
protocolo y cooperación
protocolo diplomático
protocolo internacional
protocolo y revolución cognitiva Diplomatic protocol
international protocol
origin of protocol
protocol & cooperation
protocol & cognitive revolution

How to Cite

Delmás Martín, D. (2023). Origin of the protocol: human cooperation. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 6(2), 23–38. https://doi.org/10.12795/IROCAMM.2023.v06.i02.02
Received 2023-05-29
Accepted 2023-07-17
Published 2023-07-31


Any scientific discipline that wants to consolidate itself needs to know its origins. This is the goal of this article, the search for clues and data that lead us to establish the origin of the protocol. We will put a starting point, and, in our view, open a clear line of research for the discipline of organizing events. To develop this researching work, we have used the hypothetical-deductive method and the bibliographic review as a tool. Our starting hypothesis was human socialization, but once this option was discarded, human cooperation together with the so-called cognitive revolution, will be the milestones in the evolution of homo sapiens that will allow the birth of the protocol as we understand it today. Symbolic language will allow humans to create myths and legends that will be the element that holds together numerous groups of individuals. Protocol (and events) are the tool that will articulate the celebration of symbols making tangible what belongs to the collective human imagination.

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