The doge in the Republic of Venice was a figure of great political and ceremonial importance. Also known as Dux, their leadership embodied the power and authority of the city, and their role encompassed both governmental and symbolic aspects. From the inauguration ceremony to the funeral, the figure of the Doge was surrounded by rituals and events that emphasized their status and legitimacy, giving meaning to the staging of power in Modern Italy. This character’s participation in public events, religious liturgies, and diplomatic representation symbolized the grandeur and prestige of the so-called Serenissima. These ceremonial and symbolic aspects added an air of majesty and solemnity to the figure of the Doge, thus consolidating their importance as the supreme leader of Venice, using tools such as ceremonial practices, protocol, and etiquette as indispensable means of communication for their image and influence during this era in the city that dominated the Mediterranean Sea. In this work, through an exhaustive analysis of works and manuals, the aspects relating to the relationship of this historical character with the staging of power through ceremonial practices and etiquette will be exposed, focusing on the events that constitute its political cycle from their rise to power to their funeral.
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