The luxury market in Chile: a proposal of consumer profiles
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Luxury market
Chile Mercado del lujo

How to Cite

Goldsack-Trebilcock, S., & Feijoo Fernández, B. (2023). The luxury market in Chile: a proposal of consumer profiles. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 6(2), 128–145.
Received 2023-02-07
Accepted 2023-07-10
Published 2023-07-31


The luxury market has been par excellence as a field of study to review trends and consumer profiles in the marketing and branding literature. In Chile, there has been stable growth in the consumption of luxury goods at rates of 9% in recent years (AML, 2019). However, no scientific research reflects on the evolution of Chilean society in habits and behaviors around this luxury consumption. This article aims to define and specify the different luxury consumer profiles in Chile, using the taxonomy of Han et al., (2010). Through an ethnographic process of non-participant observation of 35 individuals in an upscale shopping mall in the Chilean capital, it was possible to verify the existence of two types of consumers of luxury brands: on the one hand, a majority group of luxury consumers who preferably seek status and recognition, and on the other hand, a small group of buyers who do not flaunt luxury, but opt for much more subtle distinctions such as the considerate treatment by the sellers or access to exclusive products.
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