Today digital marketing is essential to position brands, build customer loyalty and thus increase profit per share, however, for the Guayaquil gastronomic sector, the strategies of MSMEs are not clear in this regard after overcoming a period of recession due to the Covid 19 pandemic and much less how to apply them in order to achieve concrete benefits. In the study, a descriptive approach was achieved, that is, by determining the characteristics and behavior of companies, sectors and consumers, in addition to observational, inductive and analytical methods, the behavior and qualities of the investigated population were also identified. In general, MSMEs continue to prefer word of mouth techniques to publicize their brands and do not have budgets or trained personnel for digital marketing campaigns. As for consumers, it was found that they wanted to communicate with the agency, hear the experiences of other clients, and the posts were clearly broadcast at night in a familiar language with few words. This must be kept in mind before starting a digital marketing campaign to properly define objectives, tactics and metrics. With the above, the factors that respond to crucial aspects in the positioning and digital brand activities can be identified, as well as a primary profile for digital consumers and an aggregate of digital marketing strategies.
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