Thoughts on the role of architecture in visual merchandising as an integral part of the strategic communication plan for events
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new technologies
consumer behaviour Comunicaciones; Nuevas tecnologías; Comportamientos del consumidor; Emoción; Planificación de eventos; Arquitectura; Visual merchandising
nuevas tecnologías
comportamiento del consumidor

How to Cite

González Marzal, R. (2021). Thoughts on the role of architecture in visual merchandising as an integral part of the strategic communication plan for events. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 1(4), 63–72. Retrieved from
Received 2020-12-29
Accepted 2020-12-30
Published 2021-01-02


The aim of this paper is to check how Visual Merchandising should be integrated into the strategic communication plan. We also seek to enhance the role of architecture within the overall profitability and communication plan for an event, emphasising the benefits obtained when we put the consumer experience at the centre of architectural design. This is clearly shown when we observe a path that is designed in such a way that it stimulates all human senses, thus generating certain emotions that will modify the perception of the identity of a corporation or an event. We propose, therefore, to project ourselves into the future and investigate new concepts and trends (digital and new technologies) that will be applied in the field of visual merchandising and that will have an impact on corporate or other types of events. And we position visual merchandising as a reflection of the constant evolution of new technologies. Therefore, visual merchandising is constantly reinventing itself in relation to the new emerging codes, thus facilitating communication between generations.

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