Meaning of ‘most viewed’ in Andalusian digital newspapers




proximity journalism, digital press, necessary information, most read


More than two hundred digital newspapers cover a crucial task in Andalusia for democratic life by providing relevant information for daily life while strengthening the sense of community. Local media are responsible for providing necessary information on health, education, services, security, events, political activity, and administration. A database containing 212 Andalusian digital newspapers is one of the results of the study “Journalistic Information and Well-being: Analysis of the Social Function of the Andalusian Journalism Company”, focused on detecting the social commitment of newspapers and the journalistic quality indexes of publications. From the study’s results, data can also be extracted reflecting some of the responses of citizens, which impact both the ongoing debate about whether journalists’ criteria for newsworthiness coincide with what arouses curiosity in readers, and reflect the perspective of citizens on local information. Data that can be obtained thanks to the digital system allowing to track the number of readers for each news item, including the time spent on each article. This study focuses on analyzing the “Most Read” sections in Andalusian local digital newspapers.


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Author Biographies

Ofa Bezunartea Valencia , University of the Basque Country

Ofa Bezunartea Valencia is Professor of Journalism at the University of the Basque Country. Member of the Communication & Social Sciences Research Group. Her research is focused on quality journalism, journalistic specialization, with special attention to quality criteria and effects of journalism on society.

Ana Rodríguez Rey, University of Seville

Ana Rodríguez Rey es Doctora en Periodismo, PSI de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla y docente en el centro adscrito EUSA en el grado en periodismo. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Communication & Social Sciences. Su investigación se centra en el estudio del periodismo de calidad y la especialización periodística, especialmente en técnica y ciencia.

Francisco J. Caro-González, University of Seville

Francisco Javier Caro González holds a PhD in Business Administration and is Professor of the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville. Director of the Communication & Social Sciences Research Group. His research is focused on the management of communication companies, paying special attention to organizational change, entrepreneurship and gender in journalistic and advertising organizations.


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How to Cite

Bezunartea Valencia , O., Rodríguez Rey, A., & Caro-González, F. J. (2024). Meaning of ‘most viewed’ in Andalusian digital newspapers. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (66), 53–71.



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