Media and climate change: Spanish radio coverage of the Madrid and Glasgow COPs




journalism, radio, content analysis, climate change, climate emergency


The United Nations Conferences against Climate Change have become one of the events related to the climate situation that arouses the most interest in both society and the media. This research addresses the journalistic coverage carried out by the four most listened to radio stations in Spain—Cadena SER, COPE, Onda Cero and Radio Nacional de España—during the celebration of COP25 (Madrid) and COP26 (Glasgow). Through a quantitative content analysis, midday radio news is studied from the day before until the end of both summits. The results show that the interest of the stations decreased in the COP in Glasgow compared to the one in Madrid, both in number of publications and in time dedicated. The research also reveals significant differences in the topics addressed at each summit, in the terminology used and in the future climate scenarios that are conveyed to the audiences. The study allows us to conclude that private stations reduced their coverage, and that it was only public radio, RNE, that maintained a significant level of attention regarding the climate issue in both COPs. The media, it can be seen, hardly consolidated progress with respect to the terminology used, although they did improve the contextualization of their information when announcing the consequences of climate change.


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Author Biography

Javier de Sola Pueyo, University of Zaragoza

Javier de Sola Pueyo holds a PhD in Communication, a Master's Degree in Marketing and Corporate Communication and a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism. Currently, professor of the Degree in Journalism at the University of Zaragoza, where he has been teaching since the 2016/2017 academic year. Member of the Research Group on Digital Communication and Information (GICID). His research is mainly focused on the study of the radio media and journalistic coverage of current affairs, especially in relation to politics and climate change.


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How to Cite

de Sola Pueyo, J. (2024). Media and climate change: Spanish radio coverage of the Madrid and Glasgow COPs. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (66), 113–129.



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