Parental mediation in the use of YouTube: A case study in Brazil


  • Laura Palazi Amorim Pontifical Catholic University - PUC Minas
  • Carolina Soares Pontifical Catholic University - PUC Minas
  • Julia Poloniato Tesche Oliveira Pontifical Catholic University - PUC Minas
  • Diego Sebastião de Deus Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences
  • Adinan Nogueira University Center of the Associated Colleges of Education



children, digital natives, parental mediation, Youtube


This case study aimed to understand how parents act over the behavior of their children on the YouTube platform. This is a quantitative descriptive research. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire that was applied to parents of students from public and private schools in the city of Poços de Caldas, located in Minas de Gerais, Brazil. As a theoretical reference, the presence of childhood in contemporary digital media was discussed based on the guidelines of Tomé and Borges (2019) given its relevance in unraveling how parents monitor and mediate this process; as well as the parenting styles of Baumrind (1991) in order to identify which type of behavior of those responsible was more present among the responses and results obtained and elucidated by this study. In addition, the need for children to develop media skills based on Potter (2015) was discussed. It was assumed that there would be differences in mediation and parenting styles based on socioeconomic issues. Statistical analysis of data and variables showed that there are small differences in mediation regarding gender: since mothers have greater participation in mediating children and are characterized by managing a symbolic responsibility for their behavior on the platform; while parents have a material responsibility in the sense of providing their daughters with digital technological devices that allow them to access and navigate the web.


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Author Biographies

Laura Palazi Amorim, Pontifical Catholic University - PUC Minas

Laura Palazi Amorim is an advertiser from Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC Minas.


Carolina Soares, Pontifical Catholic University - PUC Minas

Carolina Yuki Hara Soares is an advertiser from Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC Minas.


Julia Poloniato Tesche Oliveira, Pontifical Catholic University - PUC Minas

Julia Poloniato Tesche Oliveira is an advertiser from Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC Minas.


Diego Sebastião de Deus, Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences

Diego Sebastião de Deus is a Master's student in Communication at the Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas - FAFICH/UFMG. He is a journalist from the University Center of Faculdades Associadas de Ensino - FAE. He was a scholar in the Scientific Initiation Program at the same institution. He focuses on studies in communication and social practices, with a focus on disinformation.


Adinan Nogueira, University Center of the Associated Colleges of Education

Adinan Nogueira has a degree in advertising from FAAP, and a post-graduate degree in Marketing Strategy Management from PUC-MINAS. He has a PhD in Communication Sciences from Universidade Lusófona (Lisbon/Portugal), is the director of Agência Cervantes Montenegro, and a professor at PUC Minas and UNIFAE.



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How to Cite

Palazi Amorim, L., Soares, C. Y. H., Poloniato Tesche Oliveira, J., de Deus, D. S., & Nogueira, A. (2023). Parental mediation in the use of YouTube: A case study in Brazil. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (60), 168–186.



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