Digital platforms and literature. Anatomy of Spanish-language BookTube




BookTube, engagement, literature, digital platforms, influencers


The objective of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of the productions of the most relevant Spanish-language booktubers, focusing on the technical aspects and the types of videos, as well as their literary genres and subgenres. This research includes a study of the engagement of these productions (n=360) from descriptive and inferential statistics (correlational study and predictive factors). In a second phase, the followers of this movement´s perceptions are explored by conducting a total of 34 structured qualitative interviews in order to discover the most valued aspects of this type of content and its influence on the reading habit. According to our results, these productions are focused on prescribing and analyzing literary works, thus top videos, recommendations and reviews are the most frequent contents. The dominance of novels over other genres such as poetry or essays is observed. The technical aspects present a low predictive capacity of the engagement of these productions. Users discover this content accidentally and value the information about the literary works rather than the quality and editing of the videos and the emotional reaction of the booktuber with respect to the books analyzed. They also claim to have reinforced their reading habits since they joined the community.


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How to Cite

García-Marín, D., & Herrero-Torrente, C. (2022). Digital platforms and literature. Anatomy of Spanish-language BookTube. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (58), 89–108.



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