Networks for research and knowledge-transfer in communication: the case of INTRACOM


  • Sara Loiti Rodríguez Universidad del País Vasco
  • Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas Universidad de Sevilla



research, knowledge-transfer, communication, university, academic congress


The university fulfills three intrinsic tasks that in other organizations or institutions are difficult to develop, it is about teaching, research and knowledge-transfer. In addition, since in the digital context there is the democratization of information, and the de-monopolization of expert knowledge, the need to promote dissemination to society from universities is more evident than ever. In this context, the INTRACOM congress-network was born with the aim of promoting research and transfer in communication, and collaboration between academics and research groups. This study seeks to determine which topics have been discussed in the first edition of the congress, to know the degree of influence and relationship with the research and transfer functions –business or society oriented– through the analysis of the proposals disseminated at the event. For this purpose, as a methodological tool, an analytical sheet has been designed with five variables -authorship, participation, subject matter, typology and function of the proposal-. There is evidence of an involvement on the part of academic activity in promoting the dissemination and knowledge-transfer with proposals, projects and discoveries from various disciplines and with projection in society. Adapting scientific content to general understanding could help to combat issues such as disinformation and fake news.


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How to Cite

Loiti Rodríguez, S. ., & Suárez Villegas, J. C. (2022). Networks for research and knowledge-transfer in communication: the case of INTRACOM . Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (57), 11–30.



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