Instagram as a tool for public health: a study of South America




public health, social media, South America, Health Authorities


Between 2015 and 2020, the adherence of South American health authorities to Instagram has increased. In 2015, from a total of 12 countries, there were three active profiles and, in 2019, there were nine. However, a few studies analyze the use of Instagram as a strategic tool in the context of public health in developing or low-income countries. Therefore, this study aims to map health authorities’ Instagram profiles in South America. It conducts a qualitative and quantitative analysis on the uses of the platform to expand information related to public health. An exploratory study was carried out based on a literature review and a content analysis of these profiles. The sample is composed of 2,418 posts, published between April and May 2020 and January and February 2021. Regardless of the region’s deep socio-economic inequalities, it presents an intense use of the Internet and social media. The results pointed to Instagram as an emerging communication tool for the analyzed countries’ authorities, which used it with different approaches. In the sample, messages that focused on prevention, health promotion, and institutions predominated. The card was the dominant language for presenting the posts. The COVID-19 pandemic was the most frequent topic. In the final considerations, there are good practices suggestions directed to the evaluated profiles, based on the issues presented in the analysis.


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Author Biographies

Pâmela Pinto, Aveiro University

Pâmela Araujo Pinto conducts her Post-Doctoral research at the Department of Communication and Art (University of Aveiro). Got her graduation in Journalism at the University Federal of Maranhão (2007), and her Ph.D. in Communication, in University Federal Fluminense (2015). She is a collaborator of the DigiMedia Research Center. Her research interests are related to ‘communication and public health’, ‘institutional communication and social media’, with emphasis on Instagram and ‘regional media’.

Maria João Antunes , Aveiro University

Maria João Antunes is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication and Art, at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She was awarded her Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and Technologies (2007), and a degree in New Communication Technologies (1998) from the University of Aveiro. Her current research interests are: user generated contents, digital technologies to enhance territories and Instagram use by organizations.

Ana Margarida Pisco Almeida , Aveiro University

Ana Margarida Pisco Almeida holds a PhD in Communication Sciences and Technologies and lectures in Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She has been developing research activities mainly related to “e-health and wellbeing”, “accessibility and digital inclusion", “digital solutions for special needs”, “health promotion through ICT”, and “digital media development and evaluation methodologies”. She is the member of the executive board of the DigiMedia Research Center, coordinating the group "eHealth and Wellbeing".


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How to Cite

Araujo Pinto, P., Antunes , M. J. ., & Pisco Almeida , A. M. . (2021). Instagram as a tool for public health: a study of South America. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (53), 63–81.



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