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  • 2023-07-05

    «All borders are porous». Philosophical continuity between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era

    Issue coordinated by José Carlos Sánchez-López (Universidad Loyola Andalucía) and Manuel Porcel Moreno (Universidad Loyola Andalucía). The monographic section will be published in December 2024. Submissions until June 20, 2024.

  • 2022-04-09

    Call for Papers miscellaneous for the Research Articles (Studies) section in every issues


    Thémata Revista de Filosofía maintains its miscellaneous Research Articles (Studies) section in all its issues. If you wish to submit an article to this open section you can do so at any time.

  • 2021-06-02

    The Documentary Remains of the Perpetrator: Texts and Images (Call for Papers Thémata 65, june 2022)

    Submissions will accepted until February 15 2022.

    For publication guidelines, see 'Author Guidelines' in 'Submissions'.

    Coords. Juanjo Monsell e Irene Cárcel. Universitat de València. Research Group REPERCRI.

    The figure of the victim has occupied a preeminent place in the memorialization processes developed in those national contexts whose past has been marked by the perpetration of mass crimes. Their testimony has made it possible to articulate narratives about the crimes, their experiences have been a motive for the creation of cultural representations, their memories have structured transitional justice processes and their documents have become historical evidence regardless of whether the violence suffered has been of a warlike, dictatorial, genocidal or terrorist nature. In contrast, the figure of the perpetrator, whether at the level of ideology, architecture, organization or execution of the crimes, has not received similar analytical attention.

    [Further Information]

  • 2021-01-26

    Current Problems on Aesthetics Special Issue Section

    En su número 63 (junio de 2021) Thémata Revista de Filosofía dedicará una sección monográfica a los debates de la Estética en la actualidad. La sección será coordinada por Daniel O. Scheck (IPEHCS-CONICET, Dpto de Filosofía - FaHu - UNComahue, Argentina).

  • 2021-01-26

    Call for Papers: 'The philosophical Transmission. The thought of Javier Hernández-Pacheco Sanz' (Special issue)

    Envío de artículos ampliado hasta el 17 de octubre de 2021.

    Publicación: febrero de 2022.

    Coordinado por Alejandro Martín Navarro.

    Thémata Revista de Filosofía dedicará un número especial monográfico a la figura y al pensamiento de Javier Hernández-Pacheco Sanz (Madrid, 1953-Sevilla, 2020), Catedrático de Filosofía de la Universidad de Sevilla, pensador y docente comprometido con la enseñanza de la filosofía desde principios de los años ochenta del pasado siglo.

    Thémata Revista de Filosofía invita a enviar artículos para este monográfico especial a quienes se hayan acercado en su investigación o en su vida académica a la obra o a la persona de Javier Hernández-Pacheco.

    [Leer más]

Current Issue

No. 70

Published December 31, 2024

Issue description

July-december 2024