German language warm-up exercises in reverse translation classes




reverse translation, warm-up exercises, motivation


Many times, there is not enough attention paid to the reality of reverse translation in the professional translation market. In light of this situation, our research collects data about reverse translation market in general and, in particular, about translation into German in Spain. After collecting these data, it is clear that there is a need for the subject of reverse translation in the Spanish curriculum. Furthermore, as university teachers, we must offer our students tools to be able to deal with this subject without fear or anxiety. To this end, we propose a series of warm-up exercises which, at first, are only used in German for Foreigners classes, but which, adapted to the needs of translation students, allow them to become aware of their weaknesses and, in this way, correct any grammatical and structural gaps they may have. Our aim is to open a door to the didactization of the subject of reverse translation, while providing at the same time security and motivation to the students. After putting these exercises into practice in two reverse translation classes in different centres, we see positive results which show that these exercises become basic for the activation of German and translation strategies in our learners


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Author Biographies

Elke Cases Berbel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departamento de Estudios Franceses, Románicos, Italianos y Traducción; profesora asociada

Paola Nieto García, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departamento de Estudios Franceses, Románicos, Italianos y Traducción; profesora asociada


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How to Cite

Cases Berbel, E., & Nieto García, P. (2021). German language warm-up exercises in reverse translation classes., (28).



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