About the Journal

Focus and scope

The journal mAGAzin was born in 1996 as a means of dissemination of the academic activity developed by the members of AGA (Asociación de Germanistas Andaluces) and has been published uninterruptedly since then.

In 2014, it was redefined as a journal of intercultural Germanistics and opened a central section for the dissemination of scientific articles and research papers dealing with interculturality between the German and Spanish languages, both from a philological and a translatological point of view.

The editorial board of MAGAzin. Revista de Germanística Intercultural will decide on the acceptance for publication of the articles received on the basis of the confidential reports provided by external evaluators (see "Peer review process"). The journal applies a double-blind evaluation system that guarantees the anonymity of authors and reviewers.

Authors must submit unpublished articles and guarantee that they have not been previously presented in another publication, as well as, if applicable, the conformity of shared authorship and the order in which they appear. They will also be aware of the code of good conduct in relation to plagiarism and will acknowledge the sources of data and information extraction explicitly.

The languages of the journal are Spanish and German. Exceptionally, articles in English, Portuguese, Italian and French will be accepted with the approval of the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board will respond within 15 days to any complaints that may be received and will make public the correction of published content, if deemed necessary.

Peer-review process

Contributions to the central section of the journal will be peer-reviewed and double-blinded. The Editorial Board will assign two external reviewers. If there is no consensus between the opinions of the reviewers, the Board will assign a third reviewer for review, who will have a period of one month to issue his or her report.

The section editor shall be assisted by the reviewers in the editorial decisions to be taken. They shall notify him/her, where appropriate and as soon as possible, of their unavailability to carry out their task. He/she shall refuse to evaluate contributions that are in a situation that could be considered a conflict of interest.

The contributions received by the evaluator are considered confidential documents and their content must not be disclosed without the express authorisation of the editors, nor used for personal gain.

The evaluation must be based on objective criteria for assessing intellectual quality and scientific relevance, and must be expressed in a clear and reasoned manner. In no case should the critique refer to the person of the author or in inconsiderate terms. The reviewers should identify, whenever possible, the originality of the text and those relevant publications that have not been cited by the author. Reviewers will collaborate with the author in improving the evaluated contributions.

The identity of the authors and the content of the contribution submitted will be preserved until publication, if deemed favourable, and in the event of rejection these contents will be archived in the journal's document archive.

Open access policy

mAGAzin is an open-access journal in the interest of facilitating the exchange of knowledge. Its digital contents, in its publisher's version, are hosted in repositories with free and unrestricted access, with no embargo or moving wall period, and are licensed under the international creative commons 4.0 licence (non-commercial acknowledgement without derivative works).

Content of the journal

The content of the journal is divided into four sections:

  • The central section, subject to blind peer review, brings together scientific articles dealing with the main topic of the journal, intercultural relations in Germanistics
  • The section on intercultural didactics, which aims to provide a space for projects and teaching materials that incorporate the intercultural approach in the field of Germanístics
  • The section entitled "Otriversos", which publishes testimonies of experiences of contact between German culture and other cultures, with a focus on the cultural spaces of the Spanish and Portuguese languages
  • The section of reviews of outstanding publications related to the main focus of the journal


The journal mAGAzin is published annually in winter each year. The contents of each issue are tabulated in a table of contents. The central section of the journal contains the contributions submitted for review.

Responsibility statement

The journal mAGAzin is not responsible for the opinions expressed by authors.

Ethical commitment

The journal mAGAzin adheres to the publication ethics and codes of conduct and good practice set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org/). It follows their recommendations regarding transparency in publishing its criteria on authorship and privacy, complaints, conflicts of interest, data availability and reproducibility, intellectual property, journal management and peer review process.

With regard to standards of good research practice, the journal mAGAzin promotes the principles of lege artis research work contained in the code of conduct published by the DFG in its latest version of 3/7/2019 (http://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/principles_dfg_funding/good_scientific_practice/index.html).

Charging policy applied to data processing

The journal mAGAzin does not charge for the submission of papers nor does it impose fees for the publication of its articles.


Universidad de Sevilla