Why do Activists Participate in Social Movements?
social movements, collective action, social comunication, media ecology, México, SpainAbstract
Social identities and representations are factors of necessary analysis for a better understanding of why collective action arises and endures. In this direction, this article investigates such elements and their diffusion through ICTs in two social movements in Mexico and Spain. To this end, a mixed methodology is used, consisting of interviews and questionnaires on activists. The results highlight, firstly, the high degree of identification of activists with the way in which each movement conceives reality and the goals they pursue. And, secondly, with the status attributed to communication as a key tool for generating social change through the digital dissemination of their own contents and values. In conclusion, the research directly verifies the interrelation of the social representations of each activist with the causes of participation, the ends they pursue, the strategies employed and the values and contents disseminated through ICTs by the movements.
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