Trade Union Practices and Working Conditions of Chambermaids
DOI: clave:
chambermaids, intersectionality, Las Kellys, organisation, systematised review, working conditionsResumen
Historically, women’s domestic work in households has been the subject of academic study that dates back to the 18th and 19th centuries. But the specific work of chambermaids in hotels only began to be studied in the early 2000s. The aim of this study is to test the above hypothesis and to identify research that has been done on labour organization, working conditions and health of housekeepers. The methodology consists of systematically reviewing the contributions on this issue registered in indexed publications between 2000 and 2021. It is confi rmed that the first publication is from 2003. Among the results, the tendency of housekeepers to selforganize, such as “Las Kellys” association in Spain, stands out. The international comparison indicates intersectionality of discriminating factors increasing their vulnerability. For example, forms of piecerate payment are linked to higher accident rates, subcontracting increases and future automation could have a negative impact on labour negotiation. On the positive side, it is hoped that sustainable tourism labels will encourage decent working conditions for hotel housekeepers.
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