The influence of social media usage and health consciousness on the purchasing intention of organic products: the mediating role of attitude
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Echchad, M. (2023). The influence of social media usage and health consciousness on the purchasing intention of organic products: the mediating role of attitude. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 6(1), 88–103.
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2022-02-25
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-01-09
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-01-31


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of health consciousness (HC) and social media usage (SM) on the attitude towards organic products (ATT) and the purchasing intention of organic products (PI) in the case of international students in Hungary. The paper has undertaken a quantitative approach using a sample of 204 international students residing and studying in Hungary. After validation of the measurement scales, the hypotheses were tested through partial least squares structural equation modeling. The model tests the relationships between health consciousness, social media usage, the attitude towards organic products and the purchasing intention oforganic products. The results showed that health consciousness does not influence the purchasing intention of organic products, compared with the usage of social media, which displayed a significant influence over the purchasing intention. Nevertheless, attitude towards organic products mediated the relationship between HC and PI and between SM and PI. This research provides new insights on how the usage of social media can impact the intention of consumers to purchase organic products. Furthermore, for health consciousness to be effective, the attitude of consumers towards organic products needs to be more favorable.
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