The need to regulate de lobbying activities in Spain: The path towards the standardization of transparency
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Public Affairs
interest groups
public relations
influence Lobbying
Asuntos Públicos
grupos de interés
relaciones públicas

How to Cite

Arceo Vacas, A., & Álvarez Sánchez, S. (2023). The need to regulate de lobbying activities in Spain: The path towards the standardization of transparency. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 6(2), 9–22.
Received 2023-05-31
Accepted 2023-07-06
Published 2023-07-31


Lobbying is the name given to the adoption of actions by interest groups to influence public agents’ political decisions. This practice is a field of public relations, as it requires establishing a dialogue with the representatives of the institutions. Traditionally, it has been associated with opacity, against which the fight had started in Spain with the recent draft of the Law on Transparency of Interest Groups, which has been paralyzed due to general elections being called in advance for July 2023. Although the regulatory shortcomings make lobbying a difficult object of study, the following aspects have been pointed out as factors that contribute to the capacity of influence of an interest group: its number of members; its age; its economic capacity; the type of interests it defends, and its degree of specialization. We must also highlight the participation in public committees, the number of employees, and the practice of indirect lobbying. The standardization of the transparency efforts of Spanish lobbies, including their self-regulation, will be vital to accept them as legitimate participants in the public sphere. At the same time, they would also benefit from having representatives in Brussels and specialized internal structures.
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