Historical context of political marketing in Brazil: from the 2013 demonstrations to the 2022 presidential campaign
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Political marketing
social network
digital media
political campaigns
media Marketing político
rede social
mídias digitais
campanhas políticas
meios de comunicação
red social
Medios digitales
Campañas políticas
medios de comunicación

How to Cite

Farias Coelho, P. M., Pimentel de Castro Pinto, M. I. ., & Serrano Nunez, S. G. . (2023). Historical context of political marketing in Brazil: from the 2013 demonstrations to the 2022 presidential campaign. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 6(1), 104–116. https://doi.org/10.12795/IROCAMM.2023.v06.i01.07
Received 2022-12-27
Accepted 2023-01-09
Published 2023-01-31


The increase in people connected to the Internet and social networks has caused significant changes in the political marketing practices of election campaigns in Brazil and the world. This article is structured from a historical context of the evolution of marketing in Brazil. We have two specific objectives: (i) briefly present the historical and political context of marketing in Brazil from the 2013 manifestations and (ii) understand the panorama of the 2022 presidential elections. The theoretical framework that sustains this work are the studies on political marketing Albuquerque (1998) & Gomes, Fernandes, Braga (2010), Carvalho (2020), Elis (2020), Reis & Silva (2009).    The methodology used is empirical, based on bibliographic (Gil, 2003), and the method is the hypothetical-deductive. The results achieved confirm that presidential candidates in Brazil use social networks as a way to share their values in their political campaigns, hoping to influence their voters' voting decision and explaining the importance of digital marketing in political campaigns.

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