The gamer creative director as a new advertising profile: video games as main advertising media
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Video game Creatividad

How to Cite

Vázquez, I., Rodríguez, M., & Caerols, R. (2023). The gamer creative director as a new advertising profile: video games as main advertising media. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 6(1), 56–68.
Received 2022-11-23
Accepted 2023-01-09
Published 2023-01-31


Advertising is transformed in parallel to new technologies, joining them as new allies and formats in which to develop creativity. Agencies and their structures are a reflection of these transformations in communication and in society. In this context, new business units begin to emerge within these agencies, as well as new creative profiles. In this research, through the case study methodology, it analyzes the new business unit called G\G of the international creative agency TBWA in which the creative processes, as well as its directors, are focused on the development of campaigns in which the world of video games and the entire context that surrounds them, are the focus of the creative actions they carry out. Thus, changing the standards of creative processes that have existed until now, emerging profiles of creative directors that combine gaming with art direction and creative writing.
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