The artist-celebrity figure in the advertising context.
Vol 2, Num. 4


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advertising arte

How to Cite

Sánchez Morote, F. (2021). The artist-celebrity figure in the advertising context. : Analysis of cases. IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 2(4), 8–20. Retrieved from
Received 2021-01-14
Accepted 2021-03-04
Published 2021-07-31


This work aims at exploring the existing commercial relationships between companies and celebrity artists. The main relationship is a symbiotic collaboration seeking an increase in sales to both parties.

In the present analysis, the different relationships that the company and the artist-celebrity establish with each other, and the strategies established based on the transfer of concepts from the figure of the artist-celebrity to a series of commercial products generated specifically for this purpose are explored. Also, the existing bibliography across various disciplines is analyzed, contrasting them to create a discursive line to brings them all together. The theoretical applications presented in this research are illustrated using practical cases to exemplify the various ways in which these relationships are manifested.

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