No. 8 (2009): Las mujeres en las escrituras antiguas

					View No. 8 (2009): Las mujeres en las escrituras antiguas

Feminist theology is presented as a dissident exegetical practice that gives new interpretations to sacred texts. This volume aims to contribute to make visible the female dissidence present in these texts and to analyze the role that women play in them. The women protagonists of the Bible have not only had a fundamental role in the history of salvation, but their figures have transcended the religious sphere to become lay models in many of the successive literary texts. Valuing the different study perspectives of these women and texts in which they are not protagonists, from a feminist perspective means knowing and critically evaluating the views and interpretations with which these women have been presented throughout history: their relationship with texts and their modification to respond to different social, religious, and political historical contexts.

Published: 2009-04-09