Call for issues

Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación accepts the proposal of monographs for inclusion in future issues, and therefore offers the possibility of collaborations from Theme Editors who propose to the Editorial Committee monographs on relevant and highly topical subjects for researchers and professionals in communication and journalism, as well as proposals that revolve around these subjects from the different perspectives that the Social Sciences and Humanities allow.

The proposal of the monograph by the Thematic Editors will not imply, under any circumstances, a commitment to publish previously agreed articles. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación follows a strict peer review policy. This also includes the Subject Editors who, in the event of submitting articles, will be subject to the same editorial policy of peer review as the rest of the manuscripts submitted.

Theme Editor

All proposals for a monographic issue must have at least two, up to a maximum of three Subject Editors of recognised prestige and experience in the scientific community in the proposed field of research.

Preferably, the Thematic Editors will belong to different institutions and of different nationalities in order to ensure greater convening power of the proposed issue and to promote the international vocation of the journal.

The work of the Thematic Editor will consist of communicating with the authors, compiling the articles for the issue and working with the Editorial Team of Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación in the process of evaluating the articles.

For monographs with specific themes, the Theme Editors will prescriptively propose an agreed number of specific reviewers, provided that they are of high scientific standing and agree to be part of the International Board of Reviewers for the current and future issues. Once the manuscript review process has been completed, the Theme Editors can participate in the editorial decision sessions, together with the Editorial Board, for the selection of the best-valued manuscripts that will make up the Theme Monograph in question. The journal promotes the dissemination of the issue on its website, on social and scientific networks and in the media.

The team constituted as Theme Editors undertakes to disseminate the Call for Papers among their contact lists, blogs, websites, repositories, general and scientific social networks, professional associations and congresses of the speciality during the opening period of the call for papers. The Subject Editors will evaluate, in collaboration with other Scientific Reviewers of the journal, all manuscripts related to the Monograph that are received for the issue (provided that the manuscripts are not from the Subject Editors' universities or of their own authorship), so that their scientific contribution can be assessed on an individual basis. Once the issue is closed, the Subject Editors will write the Presentation of the Monograph.

Process of the proposals

1. The monograph proposal must be sent by e-mail, addressed to the journal's Editorial Team (, explaining briefly the proposal and providing the names, a brief biographical sketch (maximum 10 lines), e-mails and affiliation of all the Thematic Editors proposed.

2. Within a maximum period of 120 days from receipt of the proposal, you will receive notification indicating whether the proposal is rejected or preliminarily accepted, depending on whether the above criteria are met.

3. Within a period of 3 months, the Subject Editors will design and send by e-mail ( a Call for Papers in Spanish and English with the following information and structure:
- Title of the monograph
- Theme Editors. Include a brief CV of each one (maximum 10 lines) (including email, affiliation and ORCID).
- Focus
- Descriptors (maximum 6)
- Issues
- Instructions and proposal submissions (including key dates)

4. After approval, the journal will include the Monograph in its programme and will agree with the Theme Editors a deadline for the delivery of the articles.

5. Once the Call for Papers has been published on the website, it will be disseminated as widely as possible by the Subject Editors and the Editorial Board of Ámbitos. Revista internacional de Comunicación, through the multiple channels and social networks they have established, highlighting the role of the Thematic Editors. This dissemination guarantees as a result a high visibility of the Thematic Editors in the national and international scientific community.

6. Once the period for receiving articles for the Monograph has ended, the Editorial Team begins the phase of estimation/rejection of the manuscripts received, depending on whether or not they meet the prerequisites. In this phase, all papers that do not formally comply with the journal's rules are rejected (, as well as those that do not meet the scope and thematic relevance of the publication.
Papers may be requested for a second review at this stage if they present minor formal anomalies and their contribution is considered, at this preliminary stage, to be valuable.

7. Once this phase has been completed, the scientific evaluation is carried out, in which the Subject Editors (together with other reviewers) assess the manuscripts linked to the Monograph (provided they are not from their universities or authored by them) so that their scientific contribution can be individually assessed and described.

8. Once all the evaluations of the manuscripts submitted to the issue have been completed, the manuscripts that have obtained the highest scores from the reviewers will be selected for the Monograph.

9. Once the articles have been chosen for the issue, the Editorial Team will carry out the design and final layout of the issue.