Evaluation process and arbitration system

The evaluation is carried out in two stages. Once the article is received, the Editorial Committee carries out an initial review to check that it complies with the journal's publication standards. In this first review, the following aspects are taken into account:

- Appropriateness to the subject matter and scope of the journal.
- Interest and timeliness of the proposal.
- Complete and rigorous compliance with the journal's publication rules in all aspects.

If the proposal complies with the three criteria, the blind peer review process begins; if not, it is returned to its author and the procedure is closed.

The reviewers (by blind peer review) will judge the interest of the articles submitted and may make any suggestions they deem appropriate to the authors. The options are Publishable, Not Publishable or Publishable with Modifications. In the event of a tie between two reviewers, a third is sent.