From school radio to educational audio in the age of audification: the case of Castilla and León
radio, audio education, podcast, teaching innovation, audificationAbstract
The modalities of educational use of radio and audio are shaped as tools and learning spaces for teaching innovation and the development of digital competence. Immersed in the era of audification, this article identifies the new modalities and roles of radio and educational podcast in the digital era, while proposing a definition of educational audio. For this purpose, 29 educational audio initiatives implemented in schools in Castilla y León, involving around 1,000 students, are related and analyzed using a quantitative and qualitative methodology. Among the most relevant results, it is confirmed that the concept of educational audio allows agglutinating all the modalities of school radio and digital audio. In addition, in this first study, the increase in the number of teachers who use this tool as a methodology of innovation is confirmed. The conclusions point out a clear leadership of public schools and female teachers. Furthermore, it is proved that the dissemination of the projects is done digitally. This manuscript opens up future lines of research that will allow us not only to expand the corpus of study but also to confirm whether we are facing a golden age of radio and/or educational audio.
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