Vidas al límite (2008‑2012): A platonic review of the literary journalism of Juan José Millás




Identity, Juan José Millás, Plato, Literary journalism, Vidas al límite


In the fourth century BC, The Republic, Plato's culminating work, is born. It summarizes the main ideas of this Athenian philosopher, referring to truth, justice, the State or morality. From the explanation of such concepts, one of the most famous allegories in the history of the humanities is created, the allegory of the cave, with which Plato aspired to explain his vision of reality and knowledge. The myth of the cave, far from losing its significance, has transcended time and influenced contemporary authors. This is the case of the Spanish writer Juan José Millás, whose work, both literary and journalistic, can be interpreted in Platonic terms. To verify this, this article explores one of the most unknown areas of Millás's career: his reports. Specifically, it analyses Vidas al límite, a series of reports that the author published in El País Semanal between 2008 and 2012. Through a methodology that combines a qualitative perspective with a quantitative approach, it aspires to achieve three fundamental objectives: to analyse the notion of identity in these publications; examine the similarities that are generated between their reports and Plato's thought to verify a possible influence; and discover the formal features that define these texts to verify if they are related to his philosophy on identity.


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Author Biography

Paula Fuentes Hernández, Complutense University of Madrid

Paula Fuentes Hernández holds a degree in Spanish: Language and Literature from the University of La Laguna. She holds a Master's Degree in Research in Journalism: Discourse and Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is currently studying in the final year of the Doctoral School in Journalism at the Complutense University, where she will graduate with an international mention after a stay at the University of Medellin thanks to a Santander Iberoamerican Research Scholarship. Her main lines of research focus on narrative journalism and the analysis of the frontiers between journalism and literature.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Hernández, P. (2023). Vidas al límite (2008‑2012): A platonic review of the literary journalism of Juan José Millás. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (61), 101–115.



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