Television and enviroment: covergage Madrid’s Climate Summit in Antena 3, Telecinco and TVE Lunchtime News
Environment, Journalism, Climate change, News, Lunchtime newsAbstract
The present study analyzes the informative coverage of the Madrid Climate Summit in TVE, Antena 3 and Telecinco television news, in its Lunchtime.The object is to determine how the medias has attended this news and check if they are transmitted from a pedagogical point of view that allows raising awareness of the need to take measures to alleviate the consequences of global climate change. For this research, was adopted a mixed method in the analysis of the 381 news items broadcast between November 31 and December 15, in order to also collect information prior to the event. The results show the importance given by the news to the negotiations between the countries participating in the Summit, but also to the reports related to the environment and the sustainability of diversity. There is also a growing interest in the media to become allies in the fight against global climate change and to offer well-founded information, close in space and time, and too far removed from catastrophic positions. However, we still have a challenge before us, verify that televisions are able to stand the climate crisis’s attention or if it’s a specific event associated to the demand for information of the World Summit.
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