University and pandemic: communication in distance education and pandemic: communication in distance education
Educommunication, Higher Education, Interpersonal Communication, Educational Innovation, COVID-19Abstract
The alarm state caused by COVID-19 hastily invaded our lives with not only political, economic or sanitary implications but with educational ones too. Education had to adapt itself to a new scenario where the ICTs assumed the leading role. Faculty and students had to adapt to distance education in an improvised way which neither of them were ready for, with subjects which were designed for a face-to-face education and not for an exclusively virtual education. This investigation intends to know the adaption of the Spanish universities to this new scenario, paying special attention to the communication between the faculty and students as the key for an effective education (Aliste 2007). An exploratory research with a structured survey is proposed as the methodological tool that is aimed to the Spanish educational campus community. Results show difficulties on the part of professors and students when facing the virtual learning and, at the same time, this results warn of the needs of the online education which are pre-sent in teaching plans to guarantee the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. Faculty and learners point out the impoverishment of the didactic and social communication in online education developed during the state of alarm. The most used and best valued tools are the videoconference and the email.
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