New hybrid stories in Spanish fiction cinema. The case of Entre dos aguas by Isaki Lacuesta

New hybrid stories in Spanish fiction cinema. The case of Entre dos aguas by Isaki Lacuesta




cine documental, Isaki Lacuesta, géneros cinematográficos, audiovisual, narrativa fílmica.


At the 2018 San Sebastian Festival the winning film was Entre dos aguas (Isaki Lacuesta, 2018). The Catalan filmmaker constructs a fiction film that, however, is also very much self-referential and biographical and therefore journalistic (all the actors are amateurs who play themselves in the film), and uses a good part of a certain journalistic documentary visual aesthetic. These actors, in turn, had already been protagonists for 12 years before another film by the filmmaker, La leyenda del tiempo (2006). However, the value of Lacuesta's contribution lies in the fact that these characters play a life they did not live, but could easily have. In his proposal, reality is mixed with fiction in a film where both are equally plausible. The analysis of this footnote will also allow us to identify many of the characteristics of the new contemporary hybrid cinema, such as the cohabitation with objectivity, the deontology of the creator, the breaking of the frontiers between fiction and non-fiction, or the use of a certain ucrony within the script that inserts his characters (with varying degrees of luck) into their natural environment. We intend to analyze how this new hybrid film language allows a different knowledge of the environment, with all the implications that this implies.


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Author Biography

Manuel Blanco Pérez, Universidad de Sevilla.

Manuel Blanco (Sevilla, 1980) es Licenciado en Filología Hispánica (US) y Doctor en Literatura y Comunicación (US). Docente universitario desde 2008, ha impartido clases de Comunicación, Cine, Fotografía, Literatura e Historia de la Lengua y Lingüística en las Universidades de Cádiz y Huelva. En la actualidad es profesor de periodismo en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla (Dto. Periodismo II). Como escritor es autor de una decena de artículos científicos y media decena de libros académicos. Entre la producción del último año destacan las obras: Cine y Semiótica (Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2020), Nuevo cine andaluz (Zamora: Comunicación Social, 2020). Autor de varias obras literarias y exposiciones fotográficas (Diario Disidente de Nueva York (Madrid: Argos-Youkali, 2005). El film documental Al sur del sur es su ópera prima en cine (SEFF 2018 y Festival Iberomericano de Cine 2019, actualmente en Es fundador y director de la Productora M2 Comunicación desde 2004 a la actualidad.


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How to Cite

Blanco Pérez, M. (2021). New hybrid stories in Spanish fiction cinema. The case of Entre dos aguas by Isaki Lacuesta: New hybrid stories in Spanish fiction cinema. The case of Entre dos aguas by Isaki Lacuesta. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (51), 60–73.



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