Transmedia narrative in advertising: the case of “LEGO”
Transmedia narrative in advertising: the case of “LEGO”
Comunicación interactiva, Comunicación y televisión, narrativa audiovisual, publicidad televisiva, narrativa transmedia.Abstract
The development of technologies that promote medical convergence has changed, for brands, the way of doing public communication. The growth of new audiovisual content platforms and the use of social networks have made it possible for advertiser companies to migrate their public content to the Internet, and thus, maintain an interactive relationship with the consumer. Through this migration, an online advertising universe is built where new narratives that creatively display products and services are shown; place in which the consumer assumes a participatory role, in which the company can use communication to generate new strategies effectively. The Danish toy company LEGO has been an example of innovation in its products, as well as in its advertising campaigns, in this sense the use of transmedia storytelling for the distribution of audiovisual content affected by the expansion of the brand's universe, as well as the interaction with your target audience. This phenomenon enables personalized advertising experiences. The present work displays part of preliminary results of a qualitative research with an analytical-descriptive method to detect the implications of the LEGO toy company transmedia narrative in its advertising strategies; It also considers the opinion of experts in communication and narrative through a semi-structured questionnaire. Theoretical approaches are reflected on the elements of the transmedia process of television advertising to the Internet.
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