Arbitration System


1 - Approximate time: 1 month.
The Editorial Board of the journal checks that the article complies with the style and content standards indicated in the guidelines for authors.

2 - Approximate time: 1 month
The Editorial Team (editors and external advisors) carry out an initial evaluation of the article: articles that are outside the subject matter of the issue or have a low level of exposition are rejected. The process is anonymous.

3 - Approximate time: 2 months
Articles that pass the previous phase are sent to two expert reviewers (EXTERNAL ANONYMOUS PEER REVIEW) within the specific field of architectural research and criticism, according to the double-blind model.

The assessment will be influenced by the interest of the article, its contribution to knowledge of the subject matter, its innovative contribution, the correct relationships established, the critical judgment developed, the bibliographical references used, its correct writing, etc., and it will provide recommendations, if any, for possible improvement.

The Director of the journal will communicate the result of the reviewers’ evaluations, and their recommendations, to the authors by electronic mail, to the address used to send the article. The Director will communicate the result of the review (publication without changes; publication with minor corrections; publication with significant corrections; its publication is not advisable), as well as the observations and comments of the reviewers, to the main author.

4 - Approximate time: 1 month
If the manuscript has been accepted with modifications, the authors will have to resubmit a new version of the article, addressing the requirements and suggestions of the external reviewers. If they wish, the authors can also send a letter to the Editorial Board, in which they will indicate the content of the modifications of the article.

The articles are sent to the Advisory Board (external to the editorial board) for verification of the validity of the modifications made by the author.

5 - Aproximare time: 1 month
Modified articles are sent to the Advisory Board (external to the editorial board) for verification of the validity of the modifications made by the author.

Considering the degree of compliance with the requested changes, the Advisory Board (external to the editorial board shall decide whether or not the article is published. This decision will be communicated to the author by the editor of the journal. PROYECTO, PROGRESO ARQUITECTURA (PPA)

6 - Approximate time: 1 month
Final revision and adjustment of the final text to editorial standards.

7 - Approximate time: 1,5 month
English traslation by the authors of the full text of the article to be published.

Layout and editing proofs.