The ARAL petrol station as a space of identification in Herkunft, by Saša Stanišić
German-speaking literature, ex-Yugoslavia, Identity, Migration, Transculturality, Space, Saša StanišićAbstract
Migration from the ex-Yugoslavian countries plays a very important role in today's German-language literature, with renowned authors such as Jagoda Marinić (Restaurant Dalmatia, 2013), Melinda Nadj Abonji (Schildkrötensoldat, 2017), Nicol Ljubić (Heimatroman oder Wie mein Vater ein Deutscher wurde, 2006) or Marica Bodrožić (Kirschholz und alte Gefühle, 2014). In the case of the book Herkunft (Saša Stanišić, 2019), young migrants from different backgrounds have formed a transcultural community at a petrol station. Thus, a typical non-place (Augé, 1992) or Transit-Ort (Wilhelmer, 2015) is understood in this story as a space of identification, as an indispensable point of reference for the identity of the members in this hybrid or transcultural society. The ARAL people can only develop their own identity as an immagined community (Anderson, 1983) on the borders of the dominating society: where others only pass by.
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