Self-perception of teachers with German L1 or LX concerning their teaching behaviour in GFL classes
German as a foreign language, native speakers, teachers, first language, self-imageAbstract
In foreign language didactics it was long thought that native speakers were more competent language teachers in comparison to their non-native speaking counterparts. Beginning in the 1990s language teaching and learning research examined this topic, almost exclusively in the EFL/ESL area. These initial studies showed a dichotomy between native and non-native speakers, which in turn exhibited different self-perception in terms of teaching attitudes (Medgyes 1994).The current study investigates the self-perception of native and non-native GFL teachers with respect to their teaching behaviour in order to determine if the aforementioned dichotomy is also present in the GFL area. 60 teachers from various universities and Goethe institutes in Spain and Portugal took part in a survey, whose results only partly supported other EFL/ESL didactics studies, as it was shown that the differences were little more than tendencies or preferences. Most of those surveyed showed very little differences relating to their first language.
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