
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Wherever possible, valid URLs are provided for references and the DOI reference has been included for all those bibliographic references that have been assigned one.
  • The text is 1.5 line spacing and justified, 12 point font size, italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs), the first line of the paragraph is indented by 0.5 cm (except in out-of-paragraph citations), and all illustrations and tables are located in the appropriate places in the text rather than at the end.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Instructions for Authors.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted to any other journal.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word.
  • The title, abstract and keywords are included in English, in addition to the language in which the article was written.
  • In the case of submitting the text to the central section, which requires peer review, the instructions included in Ensuring anonymous review are followed.
  • The text is no longer than 10,000 words.
  • All the images that must appear in the text have been included in the submission, in separate files.
  • The Declaration of Authorship, downloadable at this link (in Spanish), duly completed and signed, is included in the submission. You can find a bilingual version in previous issues.

Author Guidelines

1. Registration is mandatory in order to submit an article. In case the author is already registered, they can simply Log in and start the submission process in four steps: (1) enter the submission details, (2) upload the document in editable format, (3) enter the metadata of the article, (4) confirm your submission.

To learn in detail the steps to submitting an article, the manual for authors is available (in Spanish).

2. The text complies with mAGAzin's style and bibliography guidelines.

3. If it is a scientific article, you have chosen the central section, otherwise, you have chosen Intercultural didactics, Otriversos or reviews and reports.

4. The article has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal and is free of plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

5. The STATEMENT ON PUBLICATION ETHICS established by the Editorial Universidad de Sevilla has been read and clearly understood. It can be found (in Spanish) in:

Declaración ética | mAGAzin (

6. The declaration of authorship has been signed and uploaded. An English version can be found in previous published volumes of the journal.

7. When submitting the text to the central peer review section, please follow the instructions included in Ensure an anonymous peer review, as indicated in section 3. and 8. of the style guidelines. Therefore, you should check that the author's name and any possible reference that may lead to learning who the author of the article is has been removed from the text.

8. The following data should be included in the comment to the editors (but not in the article itself):

a. The ORCID id (alphanumeric, non-commercial code, which uniquely identifies scientists and other academic authors:

b. The author's institutional e-mail address (personal e-mail addresses are not accepted).

c. The university the author(s) belong to.

9. Whenever possible, provide the URL addresses and the DOI data of the works included in the Bibliography (for further information, see

10. The article is sent in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word format.

11. The article should include, in the language of the article and in English, the title, the abstract [approx. 150 words], as well as the keywords [5-7 words].

12. Whenever possible, research articles should be structured according to the following model: Introduction, Theory, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliography.

13. When submitting a review, the author must bear in mind that:

a. The header must contain the details of the book reviewed, the number of pages and its ISBN.

b. The review contains, at the end, the name of the author of the review, as well as the institution to which the author belongs, their e-mail address and ORCID.

c. An image of the cover of the reviewed book has been uploaded.

14. Scientific articles must not exceed a maximum length of 10,000 words. For reviews, the maximum length is 5 pages.

15. Magazin follows the guidelines for bibliographical references established by the APA 2020 (7th edition)

Didáctica intercultural/Interkulturelle Didaktik

Sección dedicada a la difusión de materiales y proyectos didácticos con enfoque intercultural

Sección Central/Zentralsektion

Sección sometida a revisión ciega por pares, reúne artículos científicos, preferentemente sobre la temática principal de la publicación, esto es, sobre cuestiones interculturales.


Sección destinada a recoger, en textos relativamente breves, experiencias personales de sus autores y autoras con la cultura que les ha acogido de modo temporal o permanente


Sección dedicada a recensiones y comentarios reseñas sobre publicaciones y noticias sobre el ámbito de la Germanística y los German studies.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in this journal and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.