The experience of love in the work of Pablo Neruda and Nizar Qabbani. A comparative study between the two poems: "Twenty love poems and a desperate song" and "One hundred love letters"


  • Adnan Kadhim Universidad de Al al-Bayt
  • Sanaa Shalan Universidad de Jordania



poesía moderna, poesía hispánica, poesía árabe, la experiencia del amor, Pablo Neruda, Nizar Qabbani


This study represents a comparison between the two collections of poems: “Twenty poems of love and a desperate song” of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, and “A hundred letters of love” of the Arab poet Nizar Qabbani. The study emphasizes the aspects of similarity and difference in the formation of the experience of love in the two collections in all that the two experiences take of feelings and approaches on the other and on the society. The study starts from the structure of similarity between the two poets in the design of love in the two collections of poems. Likewise compares two contemporary poets, two languages and two different cultures, under different
circumstances. The work consists of an introduction and ten axes: the letter, the poem and the content of the idea, the love and the body of the woman,
the beloved as the objective equivalent of the motherland, love, nature and intimacy, love and despair, love and deprivation, the triumph of love, love and silence, the destinies of love, and love and time.



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How to Cite

Kadhim, A., & Shalan, S. (2017). The experience of love in the work of Pablo Neruda and Nizar Qabbani. A comparative study between the two poems: &quot;Twenty love poems and a desperate song&quot; and &quot;One hundred love letters&quot;. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (20).



Artículos español
Received 2017-05-09
Accepted 2017-05-09
Published 2017-04-15
  • Abstract 10645
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