Literatura de viaje y roles de género: el viaje a España de Susan y Edward Hale
Literature, Northamerica, travels, Spain.Abstract
Intellectual, cultured and raised in an environment that favored artistic creation, the American siblings Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) and Susan Hale (1833-1910) traveled through Spain with other members of their family in 1882. About Spain, its culture, its population and the individual observations of each author, two texts of very different nature emerge: A Family Flight Through Spain (1883) by Susan and Seven Spanish Cities and the Way to Them (1883) by Edward. The first differences between these two travel narratives can be appreciated just from the title: Edward's seems to be more traditional, scholarly and professional, while Susan's may give the impression of being more intimate and personal, perhaps aimed to a different type of audience. This paper focuses on comparing and analyzing the texts from a contrastive point of view, highlighting the similarities and differences that can be established between them in terms of perspective, subject matter and content, paying special attention to the way tradition and gender roles may exist and appear in these two travel books.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2022-09-10
Published 2022-11-30
- Abstract 157
- PDF (Español (España)) 115
- HTML (Español (España)) 11