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Sistema Antiplagio
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Este número monográfico especial ha sido el resultado de la colaboración con el departamento de Historia de la ciencia de la Universidad de Bari, Italia. Se pasan en reseña las aportaciones con las que diferentes mujeres del ámbito europeo han contribuido a la ciencia, desde la química a la virología, pasando por la ginecología y otras ciencias en un periodo que abarca desde la Edad media hasta la Revolución francesa. Visibilizar estas figuras resulta fundamental para crear una nueva Historia de la ciencia que no se vea sesgada por los estereotipos de género que invisibilizan las aportaciones de las mujeres y sus mismas perfiles científicos, impidiendo así la identificaciones de las mujeres jóvenes con este tipo de iconos.
This special monographic issue has been the result of collaboration with the Department of History of Science at the University of Bari, Italy. The contributions with which different women in Europe have contributed to science are reviewed, from chemistry to virology, through gynecology and other sciences in a period that spans from the Middle Ages to the French Revolution. Making these figures visible is essential to create a new History of science that is not biased by gender stereotypes that make women's contributions and their scientific profiles invisible, thus preventing the identification of young women with these types of icons.
Literature not only represents the cultural identity of the community where it emerges as institutionally accepted and legitimized artistic writing as such, but it also produces identity. Much of feminist literary criticism points to the impossibility of separating the imagination of the self from its social placement. Discrimination against women occurs individually and collectively, deliberately and unconsciously, as it is woven into customs and tradition. Women face situations that do not prevent them from participating fully in the societies where they live. This issue investigates the relationships between literary subjects (female characters and authors) and their political implications that often manifested themselves in activism in social-cultural movements and, other times, in the struggle or claim for personal freedom or rights.
El volumen pretende recoger diferentes artículos que comparten la perspectiva de las literaturas periféricas. El sur se vuelve emblema de la literatura no canónica, de la perspectiva de género, que favorece el ejercicio de una lectura crítica y cuestionadora de la realidad para analizar y transformar la situación de las personas. Se trata así de crear nuevas construcciones de sentido para que hombres y mujeres visualicen su masculinidad y su femineidad a través de vínculos no jerarquizados ni discriminatorios.
The volume aims to collect different articles that share the perspective of peripheral literatures. The south becomes an emblem of non-canonical literature, of the gender perspective, which favors the exercise of a critical and questioning reading of reality to analyze and transform the situation of people. It is thus about creating new constructions of meaning for men and women to visualize their masculinity and their femininity through non-hierarchical or discriminatory links.
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