Scientific contributions about Apps for mobile devices. Educational links and the Visual Arts

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David Mascarell-Palau


This contribution undertakes an analysis of educational experiences and scientific studies in which apps, applications for mobile devices, participate in the teaching and learning process, and which are linked to education, particularly to the visual arts. The selected proposals include studies on perspectives as diverse and pertinent as the analysis of educational apps that collaborate in the educational process, visual analysis of interactive graphical interfaces, gamification, augmented reality or on visual attention in the face of stimuli. On the other hand, the influence of hypertext interaction on multiple intelligences is addressed. In the process, a selection of texts has been carried out using the content analysis methodology, in order to narrow down and select those that respond to the objectives set. The results support the apps as a resource or complement of interest for the exercise of certain skills, competences and aptitudes among students. The teacher's task is to choose correctly the resources that can bring benefits to the teaching and learning process. Being able to become a means of enhancing multiple intelligences, also from the Visual-Spatial plane.


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How to Cite
Mascarell-Palau, D. . (2021). Scientific contributions about Apps for mobile devices. Educational links and the Visual Arts. Communiars. Journal of Image, Arts and Social and Critical Education, (6), 80–91. Retrieved from
Author Biography

David Mascarell-Palau, Univerisitat de València

Profesor PDI asociado, desde 2010, del departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal, Facultad de Magisterio. Universitat de València. Área de la Expresión Plástica. Especializado en tecnologías educativas desde las Artes Visuales. Ha publicado diversos artículos así como capítulos de libro vinculados a los dispositivos móviles, los teléfonos móviles, en concreto el Mobile Learning. Recientemente ha realizado una estancia en la Oslo Metropolitan University trabajando en esta línea. Miembro del grupo de Investigación en Pedagogías Culturales, Creari (GIUV2013-103).

  • Abstract 233
  • PDF (Español (España)) 345