#Disability and #functional diversity. Terminological evolution from TikTok creators’ perspective





Inclusive language, disability, functional diversity, TikTok


The debate around the terminological evolution about disability has reached social media. In this paper, we analyse TikTok content creators’ discourse and perceptions about the correct and incorrect terms to refer to individuals with disabilities. We do this while considering the types of contents generated in the platform, the use of its functionalities their aims and strategies. The analysis was developed using a quantitative and qualitative ethnographic approach and multimodal analysis of 100 short videos. The results reflect the debate and the position of content creators and their activism pointing to the words “disability” and “functional diversity” as the most accepted and recognised nowadays. On the other hand, obsolete, offensive and non-representative terms include “handicapped”, “moron” and “deficient”. Other interesting findings involve TikTok functionalities such as response and music videos, duets, as well as the use of hashtags a strategy to reach their goals related to informing, educating, raising awareness and making people with disabilities visible. Although there has been a terminological evolution around disability, this study suggests that there is still a long journey to achieve inclusive language.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Bonilla-Del-Río, European University of the Atlantic

Mónica Bonilla-del-Río holds a PhD from the Interuniversity Communication Program in the line of Educommunication and Media Literacy (UHU). Professor in the Degrees of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations at the European University of the Atlantic (Santander). Interuniversity Master in Communication and Audiovisual Education by the International University of Andalusia and the University of Huelva. Master in Emotional, Social and Creativity Education by the University of Cantabria. Graduated in Early Childhood Education from the University of Cantabria. She is a member of the research group Agora (Andalusian Research Plan: HUM-648) and Alfamed Joven, belonging to the Euroamerican Interuniversity Network Alfamed, dedicated to the study of media competence for citizenship. Her research interests focus on educommunication, disability and digital and social inclusion.

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Antonella Di-Cintio, University of Huelva

Antonella Di-Cintio es doctoranda en el Programa Interuniversitario de Doctorado en Comunicación de la Universidad de Huelva en la línea de Educomunicación y Alfabetización Mediática (Media Literacy). Máster en PNL y Social Media Marketing. Periodista. Licenciada en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma (Italia). Lleva más de diez años trabajando como periodista, en agencias de comunicación y en el sector de la educación.

Amor Pérez-Rodríguez, University of Huelva

Amor Pérez-Rodríguez es Catedrática de la Universidad de Huelva, departamento de Filología, experta en Alfabetización Mediática y Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Ha desarrollado su carrera docente e investigadora vinculada a la Educación y la Comunicación. Imparte docencia en Grado y Postgrado. Como investigadora del Grupo de investigación Ágora (Plan andaluz de investigación. HUM-648), de la Red Alfamed y del Grupo Comunicar ha participado en diferentes proyectos, tanto nacionales como internacionales. Sus intereses de investigación son la alfabetización mediática, la competencia mediática, los nuevos lenguajes y narrativas de la comunicación, y la formación de profesores de lengua y literatura. Ha publicado varios libros, capítulos de libros y artículos científicos (h-index, 34). Actualmente está trabajando en varios proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales sobre alfabetización mediática y narrativa digital.


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How to Cite

Bonilla-Del-Río, M., Di-Cintio, A., & Pérez-Rodríguez, A. (2024). #Disability and #functional diversity. Terminological evolution from TikTok creators’ perspective. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (65), 12–31. https://doi.org/10.12795/Ambitos.2024.i65.01



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