Journalism as a means of term-conceptual fixation: the case of El País during the coverage of the Arab revolts of 2011
Arab revolts, journalism, El País, Arab SpringAbstract
Faced with an event of international resonance, journalism stands as a catalyst and even a coiner of concepts and perceptions. The Arab revolts of 2011 present the paradigm of term-conceptual fixations in the press. The expression Arab Spring is, by excellence, the most obvious example of such conceptual coinage, in addition to other terminologies and issues of greater sensitivity to readers such as the rise to power of «political Islam» or the praised figure of Mohamed Bouazizi, the street vendor burned to death on December 17, 2010 for his socioeconomic situation. However, various researchers demystify the image of Bouazizi and rename the revolts as Arab autumn or winter. This research investigates the prevailing terminologies and locutions in the informative genres of the international section of El País during the treatment of the Arab revolts of 2011 for which we will carry out an analysis of 1200 texts. Hand in hand with a mixed method –quantitative and qualitative– we will examine the concepts that this newspaper frequently uses to condition the public agenda on this international event. The results indicate that El País has echoed, albeit belatedly, the neologism: Arab Spring. This delay in including it within the defining nomenclature of such events is attributed to the fact that the Madrid newspaper chose to wait for a glimpse of the consolidation of the achievements obtained in Tunisia and Egypt, as well as its contagion to other nations in order to classify these events as a Arab Spring.
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