The study of the metaverse in times of pandemic. Review of the scientific literature on the last digital frontier
Covid‑19, metaverse, virtual worlds, pandemic and theoretical reviewAbstract
The sanitary measures derived from Covid‑19 made the relevance of the metaverse as a communication and social tool increase thanks to its virtuality and being postponed in an era where more and more alternatives to face‑to‑face contact are being sought. After a review of its concept, its characteristics and applications in various spheres of daily life such as marketing, medicine or communication, the objective of this research has been to verify if said boom is also represented from an academic perspective. For this, we have carried out a review of the literature in Spanish present in the Web of Science, Google Scholar and Scopus databases on the metaverse published between the pandemic years of 2020 to 2022. The results show that education and law These are the areas from which these new virtual worlds are studied the most, through tests and analysis of specific cases. There is also no lack of publications of a general nature and from a journalistic and advertising perspective. This research leads to the conclusion that the metaverse, as an object of study and being a concept whose media interest is recent, does not have the same repercussion that it has at a social level, being a practically fertile academic field given the scarcity of research on the subject and where observations about possible applications, advantages and risks to take into account prevail.
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