Misogynistic messages in TikTok profiles of the Spanish press: study and perception by young people
hate speech, misogyny, sexism, social media, TikTokAbstract
Social networks have become one of the main ways for traditional media to disseminate content. The latest to join them is the Chinese TikTok, which has become a mass phenomenon thanks to the so-called «Generation Z» and the months of pandemic confinement. However, these environments in which young people spend so much time have also become disseminators of hate speech, including that against women, misogyny. The present research explores through focus groups the perception by young people of this type of messages on TikTok, particularly in the profiles of the Spanish press. In turn, it verifies with a quantitative analysis whether in the contents of these profiles users leave sexist or misogynist messages. It also proposes the following classification of these messages: non-sexist/misogynist, sexist/sexism benevolent, hate/misogynist, harassment and threats. It is concluded that the Spanish press profiles on TikTok are environments practically free of hate messages against women, coinciding with the perception expressed by young people.
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