Motherhoods in conflict and mobility through Marsella (Belén Macías, 2014)
mobility, motherhood, Spanish cinema, Marsella, filmmakerAbstract
The motherhood role models most popularized in the media since the late 80s urged women to sacrifice not only their professional careers, but also their identity as individuals for their children while, in contradiction, encouraging them to be ambitious and competitive in a traditionally masculinized work environment. This model has been questioned in audio visual fiction during the last decade, especially through proposals made by women filmmakers thanks to their gradual incorporation into the film industry. This article analyses, under the framework of Film Studies and Feminist Studies, the representation of motherhood and mobility through Marsella (Belén Macias, 2014), in which foster motherhood and motherhood of origin come into conflict to explore diversity and break ideals on a scenario of mobility that forces the limits of the characters. From a feminine point of view, the film examines that motherhood lived in the so-called non-places that seeks the absent fatherhood, highlighting the contrast between two different conceptions under the same essence: the tapestry of the figure of the mother.
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