Online petitions as citizen participation form in cultural industry. Case study: Netflix and




online petitions, participatory citizen, cultural industry,, Netflix


During the last decade, there has been an increase in citizen participation around “Netflix” from the online petition site “”. The relevance of this cultural industry has been acquiring, in that sense, for its massive audience, is manifested with particular emphasis in Spanish-speaking Latin America. This is accounted for by the 683 initiatives that are examined in this work, through content analysis provided by the “NVivo 11” program, direct observation, and bibliographic and documentary review. The aim is to identify the features and products of the streaming platform that are expressed, challenged and made an impact through such initiatives. The main findings show a correlation between the number of requests and “Netflix” subscribers, as well as between its growth and the number of initiatives promoted during the time frame of this study, in countries part of it. There are also a numerically representative number of subscribers-users who, through their signatures, have been speaking during the previous six-year term. It is concluded, despite the low impact found, online petitions constitute a form of citizen participation that satisfies expressive needs closed by “Netflix”, with the potential to influence to products of its audiovisual catalog.


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How to Cite

Salazar Martínez, R. Ángel, & Pérez Escolar, M. (2022). Online petitions as citizen participation form in cultural industry. Case study: Netflix and Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (58), 110–125.



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