The volatile consistency of digital engagement. Interactions during the electoral campaign with the social networks of emerging parties




electoral campaign, social networks, emerging parties, interaction, engagement


It has been described how the so-called “emerging” parties have been deploying a more effective digital activity than “traditional” parties. The main objective of this research was to describe how the interactions received by the Facebook pages of Podemos, Ciudadanos and Vox have evolved in the general elections of 2015, 2016 and 2019, compared to those of the traditional parties (PSOE and PP). To do this, all the messages published by these formations during these three electoral campaigns were automatically captured and statistically analyzed. The engagement of the users of the networks of the new parties was notably higher, compared to the traditional ones. In this sense, the number of interactions with the new political formations was maximum in the elections in which they obtained national representation for the first time, to descend gradually afterwards. Thus, a transient consistency of the digital commitment manifested by the followers of emerging parties in social networks was verified, linked to their period of irruption on the political board.


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How to Cite

Ballesteros-Herencia, C.-A. (2022). The volatile consistency of digital engagement. Interactions during the electoral campaign with the social networks of emerging parties. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (57), 192–210.



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