Extremist observatories & fake news: press and democracy under attack


  • Fernando Oliveira Paulino University of Brasil
  • Mariana Martins de Carvalho University of Brasil
  • Luma Poletti Dutra University of Brasil
  • Kariane Costa Silva de Oliveira University of Brasil




press, democracy, fake news, observatories, medias


From a perspective where it is understood that Observatories and Media Criticism Projects contribute to the strengthening of democracy and the exercise of citizenship, and taking as inspiration the relational approach between democracy, desinformation, classic concepts of journalism, this article aims to the analysis of these elements and how they connect. If spaces for media criticism can be used as instruments for strengthening democracy and exercising citizenship, then it is necessary to understand and analyze what kind of debate is taking place in those spaces. Within the scope of this reflection, based on observatories known as Social Movement Projects, we observe the emergence of initiatives linked to the ideologies of extreme right-wing parties. These spaces that flirt with authoritarianism and fascism end up taking on the role of Media Watch, even if they do not recognize themselves as channels of media criticism. These channels act as practice observatories. They are websites, blogs and social networks, linked to extreme right-wing movements, where authors end up using classic journalism concepts to promote attacks on the press and democracy. They demand impartiality and even the right of reply when fake news is published. In this context, the proposed reflections lead to paths that indicate that journalism must have a side when democratic institutions are in check. Even though there is a whole debate about which democracy the media defends and what is meant by democracy.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Paulino, F., Martins de Carvalho, M., Poletti Dutra, L., & Costa Silva de Oliveira, K. (2022). Extremist observatories &amp; fake news: press and democracy under attack. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (57), 32–48. https://doi.org/10.12795/Ambitos.2022.i57.02



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