"I Want to Be My Own Boss": The Critique of Autonomy in Sorry We Missed You by Ken Loach





Ken Loach, false autonomous, critical theory, autonomy, lack


Ken Loach's cinema is famous for its incisive proposal that seeks to extract the contradictions of the economic and social system in its stories. In this sense, the recent Sorry We Missed You contributes to a novel reflection that brings us closer to the critique of neoliberal totalitarianism presented by the authors of the now famous Dialectic of the Enlightenment. Specifically, we will refer to an illustrated thesis par excellence, which is the one that proposes the demand for individual autonomy as an ethical mandate that is presumably emancipatory. Although this ethical mandate is impossible to obey, individuals are forced to observe it with respect and admiration for ideological demands that only contribute to digging deeper and deeper the trench of their own doom.


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How to Cite

Gracia Gómez, A. A. (2022). "I Want to Be My Own Boss": The Critique of Autonomy in Sorry We Missed You by Ken Loach. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (55), 114–130. https://doi.org/10.12795/Ambitos.2022.i55.07



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